Nang Thiam Keng Temple
The Nang Thiam Keng Hall is a common place for holding wedding dinners. In 6th of 6th Month of Chinese Calendar is the God’s birthday. This is a big event here. A Celebration of at least 14 days of Chinese Opera and Mini Concert make the nights more lively and energetic.
Every 3 years, the committee board of the temple will organize the ritual of “Gods Patrol and blessing the island”. The event will be attended by many temple’s “God” together and “They” walk around the town, patrolling the sea, and guarding the island. |
Hock Leng Keng Temple
One of the biggest temple in Pulau Ketam. The temple is beautiful with intricate sculptures and colorful painting. It celebrates its big events at 28th of 4th Month of Chinese Calendar, with Chinese opera and mini concert. |
First Bridge
There are 11 bridge in Pulau Ketam. (Sungai Lima has another 3). The first bridge is near main street. Here you can see a lot of boats parking at the small private jetties. |
Pulau Ketam Jetty
A good place to loiter around enjoying sea breezes after dinner. It is really relaxing and enjoying. At night times, teenagers assemble here for their leisure and social activities. |
Kongsi House
A history house how Pulau Ketam population begin.
Please refer to History( Private place, for 8-20 pax day trip group, tour guide will arrange acquaintance Kongsi House for visit). |
Fish Dealer Centre
A place where fishermen clear their sea capture to the fish dealer.( Private business place, for 8-20 pax day trip group, tour guide will arrange acquaintance fish dealer centre for visit) |
Fish Farm (Subject to pay for visiting)*optional
Fish farm is floating on the sea. It takes about 10 minutes journey to reach by boat. Fishes are reared in these fishing farms. Most of the living fish are exported to Hong Kong. Some of them will be transported to restaurants. |